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DRAFTWORKS: A Studio Salon

location icon for event Event Location: Botetourt, Studio II time icon for event Event Time: Sunday, June 16, 2024: 7 pm – 10 pm
single-paper-background Dance Draftworks
DRAFTWORKS is a dance department and M.F.A. dance event inaugurated during fall 2005 and spring 2006. The platform was designed to provide a space for intimate, nontraditional, radical, often-times explicit performance work to be shared with the dance department community and guests. DRAFTWORKS: A Studio Salon was designed to challenge makers and witnesses to consider options for making and presenting work that do not have to subscribe to traditional/conventional forms, genre categorizations, and notions of final dances (dance show). M.F.A. Dance Year Residency graduate students, Paris NGai Gray, Sarah Lunceford, and Katy Womack will share their most recent and vibrant work-in-progress in this informal studio setting. BOT Studio I BOT Studio II Informal Showing #1, 7 pm Informal Showing #2, 8:45 pm Free admission