(Above photo: Horizon students enjoying a campus tradition, being inducted into the Pinnacle Honor Society.)
You can do this
If you are at least 24 years of age and thinking about attending college to complete your bachelor’s degree, the Hollins Horizon Program may be the right choice for you. Hollins University’s Horizon Program was established in 1974 to meet the special needs of nontraditional-age women returning to school. As a Horizon student, Hollins’ entire undergraduate offerings — from art to biology, English to psychology — are available to you. Schedule your visit or contact the Office of Admission to discuss the Horizon Program at 1-800-456-9595 or horizon@hollins.edu.
If you are transferring directly from another institution or have been out of school for many years, we hope you will consider the Horizon Program at Hollins. Want to know more? Contact us at horizon@hollins.edu for more information.

Traditions and Awards Special to Horizon Students:
- Senior Horizon Toast, which takes place every year after Opening Convocation for graduating Horizon seniors and their families.
- Putting Her Through, a picnic and ceremony for all Horizon students that honors graduating seniors and the family members and special guests who helped “put them through” Hollins.
- Evelyn Bradshaw Award for Excellence, which recognizes an outstanding graduating Horizon senior.
- Pinnacle Honor Society, which was created to recognize outstanding nontraditional students for their academic success and peer leadership. Every spring, new Horizon students are inducted into this honor society.
- Horizon students are invited to join in monthly lunches during which students can catch up, share information, and enjoy each other’s company.
- University housing is available on a first-come, first-served basis for new, full-time Horizon students.
- There is no university housing for families and children. Housing is available for the academic year only.
- If a returning Horizon student needs on-campus housing, she should contact housing and residence life at hrl@hollins.edu.
- Prior to assigning rooms, all residential students must:
- Pay the $400 deposit
- Show proof of insurance
- Complete a health form
Commuter Lounge
In the fall of 2022, Hollins created a lounge space exclusively for our non-residential student population, a place to relax, seek solace, study, or connect with others. Our HOPE Scholars, our Horizon (undergraduate program for adults 24+) students, and others who live off campus, all have found the space to be a significant benefit to their daily campus experience.
- Chairs and beanbags have been added to offer more relaxing seating options
- Student lockers free for students who sign up for their use
- A refrigerator, whiteboards, blankets, and other amenities
- A display unit holding extra utensils, pens, feminine hygiene products, and games are also now in the space
- A place to celebrate accomplishments – big and small
- A welcoming environment when you need a listening ear
- A place of your own

How to Apply
Please submit each of the following items by the preferred application deadline.
Preferred application deadlines: fall term, February 1; spring term, November 15.
A completed application consists of:
- Application: Apply online using the Hollins Horizon application.
- Required essay.
- If you are not transferring directly from another institution, please submit two letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your academic ability or potential. If you are transferring directly from another institution, please submit the College Official’s Report form.
- Official or unofficial high school transcript or proof of GED completion (provide full name listed on transcript).
- Official or unofficial college transcripts for all colleges or universities attended (a catalog or course descriptions are required for colleges or universities not in Virginia).
- Required informational interview to discuss your goals and the program in more detail. To schedule an appointment, contact the Office of Admission at horizon@hollins.edu or 1-800-456-9595.
- An on-campus writing exercise (only if requested by the Horizon Office).
Please mail your application and supporting materials to:
Office of Admission
Hollins University
Box 9707
7916 Williamson Road
Roanoke, VA 24020
Transferring Credits
- A Transfer Credit Evaluation (TCE) provides individualized information regarding the transfer of your credits to Hollins University. To receive a TCE, submit an official or unofficial college transcript(s) to transfer@hollins.edu.
- Virginia Community College System (VCCS) students graduating from qualifying AA and AS programs on or after fall 2021 arrive to Hollins with general education requirements fulfilled. VCCS students graduating through other degree programs may complete the Transfer Module (PDF) to complete general education requirements before arriving to Hollins.
- VCCS students interested in transferring before receiving an AA or AS may use the transfer guide to determine how courses will transfer. Contact transfer@hollins.edu to help guide your course selection.
- A student will receive credit for courses taken at a regionally accredited college or university that are comparable to Hollins courses; a grade of “C” or better must be earned to receive credit.
Horizon Information Sessions
Information sessions are held several times each year. To schedule your personal visit and tour, please contact the Office of Admission at 1-800-456-9595 or email horizon@hollins.edu.