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Author of “Path to Grace: Reimagining the Civil Rights Movement,” Ethel Morgan Smith M.A. ’90

location icon for event Event Location: Hollins Room, Wyndham Robertson Library, 7916 Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA, 24020, United States time icon for event Event Time: Thursday, March 7, 2024: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
single-paper-background Ethel Morgan Smith
Smith is the author of three books: Path to Grace: Reimagining the Civil Rights Movement (University Press of Mississippi 2023), Reflections of the Other: Being Black in Germany (CreateSpace 2012), and From Whence Cometh My Help: The African American Community at Hollins College (University of Missouri Press 2000). Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Green Mountains Review, Callaloo, STIR Journal, African American Review, The University Florida Journal, and Tusculum Review. Smith adapted From Whence Cometh My Help into a stage play entitled African Violets. Smith is a Professor Emeritus at West Virginia University. She has also taught at Carlow University, Monash University (Australia), Randolph College, University of Canterbury (New Zealand), Virginia Tech, and Universität Tübingen (Germany). She is a Fulbright Scholar and a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow and has received two National Endowment for the Humanities grants. Sponsored by the Beanstalk Fund, a collaboration between Wyndham Robertson Library and the Department of English and Creative Writing.