Statement Regarding Supreme Court Decisions on Affirmative Action

Statement Regarding Supreme Court Decisions on Affirmative Action

President Hinton

June 30, 2023

Statement Regarding Supreme Court Decisions on Affirmative Action Supreme Court Building

The following statement was sent from Hollins University President Mary Dana Hinton on Thursday, June 29:

Earlier today, the Supreme Court handed down its decisions regarding Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. UNC and SFFA v. Harvard, two cases about the consideration of race in college admissions. Hollins, along with much of the higher education sector, has been preparing for this outcome for over a year. We are disheartened that this ruling overturns over 40 years of precedent affirming the educational value of diverse learning communities.

Hollins remains steadfast in its commitment to building a diverse and dynamic student body, one that recognizes and celebrates all students. We will continue to safeguard educational access for all students and uphold our duty to support them, their success, and their well-being.  

We know that access to college is important, and enrollment is only the beginning of our duty. We must continue to build support structures not only to ensure access, but also persistence to a degree. Since 2020, we have been carefully tracking our ongoing and intentional efforts to facilitate and support our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

We remain unwavering and undeterred in our belief that a vibrant and diverse student body, uplifted by a caring and supportive community, is necessary to create the best and most equitable learning environment for all Hollins students.